COMING SOON! This property is located within the footprint of the “East Helena Site” that is a National Priority List (NPL) area impacted by the release and dispersing of heavy metals from the former ASARCO smelter. Surface soil throughout the NPL site has been found to contain elevated levels of lead and arsenic. Contamination at the site is similar to that found elsewhere across the East Helena Site and there is no distinguishable contribution from historical FAA operations.
Use and/or development of parcels within the East Helena Site (including the FAA NDB Helena property) are subject to environmental requirements established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Lewis and Clark County Lead Education and Assistance Program (LEAP). Representatives from EPA and LEAP work with prospective purchasers and/or land redevelopers to identify controls needed to prevent unacceptable environmental exposures. These controls apply to specific activities (e.g., soil excavation, sampling and analysis, capping, remediation) and specific land uses (e.g., residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational). Redevelopment is also coordinated with the City of East Helena Planning Board and Zoning Commission.