This vacant land parcel, which has staff recommendation for Commercial Zoning uses, Sumter County, FL, is well located along W SR 44, less than 1 mile west of heavily travelled I-75. I-75 leads to and from Central Florida/Orlando, Tampa, Naples, Miami and parts in between, from the upper 47 states. SR 44 is an east west State Road that connects New Smyrna Beach/Atlantic Ocean (just south of Daytona Beach) on the east to Crystal River/Gulf of Mexico (about 1 hour SW of Ocala) on the west.
On the immediate East side of the property is a 100 acre + Old Dominion Freight Line development project. This project is forthcoming with site improvement work underway. The SWC of that project is the intersection of CR 231 and SR 44, which is near the SEC of our 19 ac land site. A TRAFFIC SIGNAL is planned for that intersection. Also, there is a 455 FT deceleration lane required to be delivered by Old Dominion to support their development. That deceleration lane will accommodate east bound traffic deceleration and safe access to their site.
Public utilities are very near our site: close to the SEC of our site is a 12 inch potable water main line. Approximately 3/10 mile to the east of our site, on the same side/north side of SR 44, is a sanitary force main line for connection. Also, there is a fire hydrant at the SEC of our site.
There are many possible uses (go to the flyer, page 10, click on the link to the zoning table of uses; highlighted are the 4 commercial zoning classes for Sumter County showing all possibilities) to maximize the economics of this site. Forthcoming will be a highlighted review of suggested highest and best uses for the site. In the meantime, call anytime - happy to engage you on this site with your next step interest.