This development property is in highly desirable Johnson county and will be annexed into Greenwood. The parcel is 80.9 acres and the Comprehensive Plan and Greenwood Planning Department would likely support a mixed use development. The 15.25 acres north of Grubs Ditch could be Neighborhood Commercial and the 65.65 acres south could be Mixed-Density Residential.
Neighborhood Commercial: Neighborhood-scale commercial areas are intended to contain a mix of active uses at key intersections that serve surrounding residential neighborhoods. They may include office, retail, restaurant, and personal service businesses. These centers should be compatible with and contribute to adjacent neighborhood and streetscape character. They should frame and activate adjacent streets and not be defined by large parking lots. Neighborhood commercial centers should feature high-quality architecture, plazas, outdoor dining areas where applicable, and pedestrian and bicycle amenities that create active, connected gathering places.
Mixed Residential: The Mixed Residential land use classification allows for a variety of housing types and densities, depending on adjacent context and supporting transportation and utility infrastructure. Single-family homes, duplexes, townhomes, patio homes, and small-scale multi-family structures that fit the character of existing development are recommended. These areas encourage greater flexibility in form and scale to achieve active, cohesive, and vibrant neighborhoods designed around a walkable and connected street network. Mixed residential development should incorporate natural features to highlight existing tree stands, ponds, and water courses as accessible community amenities.