Site description:
The project site is approximately 427+/- acres located along Westminster Road between the intersections of Westminster Road and Interstate 81 and Westminster Road and Jumper Road. The municipal boundary of Jenkins Township and Plains Township runs through the property with approximately 145 acres of the property in Plains Township and 295 acres of the property in Jenkins Township. Access to the site will be available using SR – 2039 “Westminster Road”. Two access points
are available along Westminster Road between the intersections of Jumper Road and SR-315 as shown in the Schematic Site Plan. There is a 24” high pressure natural gas line owned by Williams that runs through the property. The gas line has a 50 foot right of way. No machine excavation will be performed within 24” of Williams pipelines or related facilities. Each proposed development or activity requires a site specific evaluation by a qualified Williams representative. No above ground structures are permitted within the Williams Right-of- way. All utility lines crossing the Right-of-way must do so at a ninety (90) degree angle. Buried telephone, TV, data transmission, fiber optic, and power lines must be encased in steel. Williams has provided their “Williams Requirements for Landowner & Third Party Construction” outlining the restrictions for building near the pipeline. A copy of the “Williams Requirements for Landowner & Third Party Construction” is included in the Appendix B of this report. There is an electric transmission line that runs parallel to the western boundary of the site. The electric transmission line does not pose any real restriction to development of the site as it is in close proximity
to the western property line. Strip and deep mining operations were performed on the site in the past. A geotechnical study should be performed on the site to identify any existing soil or geological limitations.
Zoning and permit use
The portion of the property located in Plains Township is listed as “C-1 Conservation District” according to
the Plains Township Zoning Map. The portion of the property located in Jenkins Township is listed as “R-1
Single Family Residential District” according to the Jenkins Township Zoning Map. Refer to the table
below for zoning information.
Plains Township C-1 Conservation District – Allowable Uses
Permitted Uses: County Parks, Essential Public Utility Facilities (excluding storage yards), Forestry,
Greenhouse, Nurseries, and garden shops, No Impact Home-Based Businesses, Public Recreational
Facilities, Single-family Detached Dwellings, State Game Lands, Accessory Uses to the Above.
Uses Permitted By Special Exception: Animal Hospitals or Clinics, Animal Kennels, Cemeteries, Home
Occupations, Mobile Homes constructed with and anchored to a permanent foundation, Outdoor Fuel
Burning Furnace, Private Recreational Facilities, Public Uses, Sewage Disposal Plants, Utility Buildings
and Storage Yards, Wireless Commercial Communication Sites and Support Structures, Accessory Uses
to the Above.
Jenkins Township R-1 Single Family Residential District – Allowable Uses
Permitted Uses: Single-family Detached Dwellings, No Impact Home-Based Businesses, Forestry, Public
Utility Facilities (excluding storage yards), Public Recreational Facilities, Accessory Uses to the Above.
Uses Permitted By Special Exception: Home Occupations, Group Residences, Public Uses, limited to
municipal buildings, fire halls and libraries, Places of Worship, Public or Private Schools, Cemeteries,
Outdoor Storage, Outdoor Fuel Burning Fireplace, Temporary Structure and/or Temporary Use, Accessory
Uses to the Above.
**If the proposed project does not fall within the allowable uses as outlined in the township’s
ordinance, a use variance will need to be approved by the township. A zoning variance will be
required if the proposed project does not meet one or more of the criteria listed in the township’s
zoning ordinance.