New development located in Sunbury, OH. Sunbury is a New-England inspired suburb located 25 miles northeast of Columbus and is now considered a city after crossing the 5,000 population threshold. Sunbury is home to 7,500 and is the 2nd fastest growing community in Ohio for 2020 with a growth rate of 26.7% based on ACS data (American Community Survey). The Sunbury market is primarily served by State Route 3 (north/south artery) and State Route 37 (east/west artery connecting to I-71 four miles to the west).The proposed site is located on the south side of the Sunbury commercial funnel at the intersection of SR 3 and Sunbury Meadows Drive. The 6.7-acre parcel currently is divisible and ideal for amenities-based retail such convenience retail, casual, fast food, and quick service restaurants. The subject site is located at the hard corner of the signalized intersection.