Riverview Commons is located at the signalized Poole Road and Hodge Road intersection in Knightdale, NC. The 19.22-acre tract, Riverview Commons, was approved as an approximately 73,000-SF retail center in 2007. Phase 1 consisting of four (4) outparcels was constructed and accepted before the 2007 crash and the start of the shopping center site. Millions of dollars have been spent on infrastructure (retention pond, utilities, roads widened, etc.) for the shopping center site. Currently, there are two (2) existing grocers within a 3-mile radius.
The 26.84-acre tract wraps around the 19.22-acre tract and is zoned Residential Mixed-Use (RMX) which provides for areas of higher density residential development with maximum development density: 18 units/acre (gross acreage).
The highest and best use for these parcels is to combine the two parcels and redesign with a smaller retail center and the remainder as high density residential. Approved outparcels could be sold immediately for cash flow. Knightdale Planning Department has expressed their desire for this concept.