The subject property is located off Pala Street just North of Robertson Street in Ramona, California. It is approximately 0.3 miles north of Main Street, 1.5 miles west of Highway 78 and 2.5 miles east of the Ramona Airport.
2.06 acre Santa Maria Creek mitigation parcel in the Santa Maria Valley area of Ramona. This site is located within San Diego County. The mitigation site contains 1.62 acres of annual grassland that include native and Eurasian annual grass and forb species, specifically, Ripgut Brome (Bromus diandrus), stork’s-bill filarees (Erodium cicutarium, E. moschatum), Shortpod Mustard (Hirschfeldia incana), Western Ragweed (Ambrosia psilostachya), Turkey Mullein (Croton setigerus) and others.
The mitigation site also contains 0.44 acres of Riparian habitat. The northern portion of the site where the land meets the Santa Maria Creek supports riparian species. Cattle and horses graze the site and rely on the river for its resources. Most of the vegetation in the area has upland forbs. No sensitive plants or animals were found during the preliminary survey of the site. This creek qualifies as the California Fish & Wildlife defined wetlands and qualifies as “waters of the state” as defined by State Water Resources Control Board. Onsite soils consist of Fallbrook sandy loam, Bonsall sandy loam, Riverwash, and Chino Silt Loam, Saline.