Born and raised in Texas, Tina tapped into her love of real estate when she began her career with Steven Klein Custom Builders. In 2005, she capitalized on that experience and translated her skill set into the real estate industry by becoming a licensed Realtor©. In 2008, she obtained her Broker license and opened the doors of Jacob Realty in 2009. Since then, she has stretched beyond the confinement of the Crossroads area to include an office in Brenham. As of 2021, Tina is a member of eight realtor boards and can represent buyers and sellers throughout 59 counties. For the last 16 years, Tina has integrated her tenacious energy, integrity, and analytical expertise into every real estate transaction. Her integrity keeps her clients coming back time and time again because they value the honest representation that they receive. Tina loves to spend her downtime relaxing poolside with her husband and son. She also enjoys traveling and can often be found eating and drinking with friends and family. Tina loves Texas and all it has to offer. Most importantly, she looks forward to earning the opportunity to serve your real estate needs.