Tammy Goolsby has a passion for California Real Estate. She has a solid understanding of the California market. Tammy and her husband are raising their family in the Gold Country, while passing on her family's passion for raising livestock to the next generation. Tammy takes pride in an honest, no-nonsense approach to doing business, while putting her clients first. Her relationships with her clients are long term and do not take priority over a commission check. Tammy enjoys the blessing of technology in her business; however, she places tremendous value on a smile and a handshake. Tammy's 17 years of experience as a realtor gives her clients an advantage in the marketplace. Tammy has a heartfelt drive to serve her clients' best interest. She is dedicated, knowledgeable and committed to finding the perfect fit. Her devotion and unparalleled costumer service has resulted in a continuously expanding network of loyal clients and referrals.