Over 35 years Brokerage Experience. After graduating from Mississippi State University with a Ph. D. in Entomology, Russell Black started an Agricultural Consulting Service in the Central Mississippi Delta. This consulting work consisted mainly of making recommendation to many private farming operations regarding crop production, insect control, weed control, and soil fertility. After several years of agricultural Consulting, Russell became a licensed Real Estate Broker, and began selling Farms and Farmland in the Mississippi Delta area. This "dual role" of Agricultural Consulting and Real Estate Brokerage continued for approximately 25 years, until Russell began to concentrate all of his working time in the Real Estate Management and Brokerage business. Russell became affiliated with Capital Agricultural Property Services, Inc. in 1994 as a Broker and Farmland Manager, and continued in that role until 2014. Currently licensed in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas, as Russell Black Land and Realty, Russell manages several farms and buys and sells farmland for numerous clients primarily in the Mid-South area of the U.S.