With over 18 years in Real Estate and prior experience as a Counselor, my personal and professional career as a broker has allowed him to develop skills in the area of real estate, marketing, training, and sales. A strong believer that Real Estate is a method to creating generational wealth. I counsel and assist in Investment, Commercial and Residential Real Estate. My team is equipped to make the process as seamless and stress free as possible.
Landlord Rep, Landlord Rep (Flex), Landlord Rep (Office), Landlord Rep (Residential), Landlord Rep (Retail), Tenant Rep, Tenant Rep (Flex)
Chicago, Milwaukee/Madison
Property Types
Hospitality, Industrial, Land, Office, Retail, Flex, Specialty, Multifamily, Healthcare
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Bachelors: Beloit College
Masters in Human Services Counseling Psychology, National Louis University
NAR - National Association of Realtors