Roy is a life resident of the Sandhills specializing in Moore County commercial real estate and residential development having been licensed since 1978. His previous service to the Pinehurst–Southern Pines Area Association of Realtors ® and the Multiple Listing Service has consisted of leadership positions on committees, board of directors and President of both entities as well as President of the Moore County Home Builders. This service has merited Roy being awarded Realtor® of the Year; Builder of the Year; and the Realtor® Association Lifetime Achievement Award. Roy’s service to the Moore County Chamber of Commerce afforded my being elected to the Board of Directors and Treasurer. Over the past years, it has been his honor to have been asked to serve on ad hoc committees for the Town of Southern Pines, Town of Aberdeen, and Moore County relating to strategic and long range planning specifically relating to commercial and residential development. In addition, he served on a committee for the North Carolina Real Estate Commission relating to commercial real estate licensing. Roy’s peers regularly seek his input relating to issues involving real estate issues and he is often approached by appraisers for information and opinions regarding local property values. Both the Town of Aberdeen and the County of Moore have engaged me for property procurement.