Ron is a licensed Realtor and the owner of All North Carolina Real Estate. Ron concentrates on listing and selling foreclosed properties. He has the resources to market, manage, and repair foreclosed properties. Ron has been the owner of GCL of NC, LLC, since 2006. GCL of NC, LLC is developing Whitehurst Farm subdivision in Gates County, NC. They have developed over thirty lots to date and will be starting on the final phase of twenty-six lots as soon as the market will allow. In 2005, he became the owner of The Moyock Storage Company. Moyock Storage Company owns the Moyock Storage Facility. Moyock Storage also owns and manages Moratok Shopping Center in Plymouth. Ron has also been a manager with Meg Investments, LLC since 2003. Meg Investments sells land and home packages in northeastern North Carolina and southeastern Virginia. Ron is also the managing member of Fieldcrest Associates, LLC and Treeside Associates, LLC. Fieldcrest owns and manages mobile home parks and Treeside owns and manages Moyock Commons Shopping Center.