Mike started in real estate at the consulting firm of KPMG, formerly Peat, Marwick & Mitchell. His experience involved structuring sale-leaseback transactions, finance, occupany cost reduction and workplace strategies for large corporations in major cities across the U.S. and Europe. As part of cost reduction, his experience in crafting leases created opportunities for clients to generate advantageous economics in the lease beyond the lease rate. Mike founded GVA Detroit in 1990 and was managing partner of this full service local office of GVA Worldwide until 2010. In 2010 Mike partnered with Tom Lasky to start Forum Group LLC , a boutique real estate brokerage firm that focuses on creatively marketing excess real estate for owners, working with tenants to lower overall occupancy costs,working heavily in the distress markets helping financial institutions work through excess inventories and note sales and working with equity investors to purchase REOs and Notes at a discount.
$10.95 USD /SF/yr
Industrial - For Rent$10.56 USD /SF/yr
Industrial - For Rent$16.50 USD /SF/yr
Office - For Rent$11.00-$12.50 USD /SF/yr
Industrial - For Rent$10.95-$11.00 USD /SF/yr
Industrial - For Rent$19.00-$21.50 USD /SF/yr
Office, Office/Medical - For Rent$12.95-$14.95 USD /SF/yr
Office, Office/Retail - For Rent