Louis Copilevitz possesses a diverse background in commercial real estate, economic development and finance. He has been active in the St. Louis business community for over thirty years. Previously, Louis was Director of Logistics & Manufacturing in the economic development group at the St. Louis Regional Chamber, where he worked to attract new manufacturing and industrial to the St. Louis region. He was a member of the task force that led to the establishment of “The Freightway”, a regional initiative to promote and enhance the St. Louis region as a freight hub. Prior to joining Gershman, Louis also worked as a Site Acquisition Consultant for a technology company securing locations for proprietary weather measurement equipment, having completed over thirty transactions in 2016. Recent experience includes transactions with: Experitek, Prairie Farms Dairy, DDI Systems, Home City Ice, Trucknology LLC, Innovative Machine and Supply, Hampshire Associates and A1 Price Company.
$12.00 USD /SF/yr
Industrial - For Rent$778,200 USD
Industrial Land - For Sale172,933 SF
$385,040-$820,640 USD
Commercial Land - For Sale96,268-108,900 SF
Commercial Land - For Sale198,634 SF
$4.50 USD /SF/yr
Industrial - For RentRENT WITHHELD
Commercial Land - For RentPRICE WITHHELD
For Sale8,577 SF | Request Cap Rate