Kim Soule

Specializing in sales for multi-tenant office buildings, industrial facilities, hotels and undeveloped land
Sr. Vice President
ColliersPhoenix, AZ (602) 222-5047

Kim Soulé joined Colliers International in March, 2002, and initially handled a variety of sales and leasing transactions in Arizona. In 2005, Kim was asked to join Colliers Investment Advisors, which specializes in representing buyers and sellers of commercial real estate. Her expertise has further expanded to office, industrial, land and hospitality properties throughout the state. Kim is a charter member and Advisory Board member of the Colliers Investment Advisors team. Through a commitment to delivering multi-market breadth of service and local market depth of knowledge, this team is driven to achieve the highest sale price for your property while minimizing your capital and personal exposure. Kim’s prior 27-year banking career enables her to assist clients in obtaining financing, evaluating properties, and problem-solving escrow issues. This experience aides her in moving her clients’ transactions forward in a more expedient and efficient manner. Kim is an Arizona native and has vast experience in dealing in cities and towns all over Arizona.

  • Specialties
    Investment Sales Broker, Tenant Rep
  • Languages
  • Markets
  • Property Types
    Hospitality, Industrial, Land, Office, Retail, Flex, Specialty
  • Awards
    Top 10 broker in Colliers Arizona 2014 and 2015. Athena award nominee. Kim's philanthropic service led to the dedication of a board room in her name. Kim is a past board member and chair of many organizations
  • Websites
  • Company Website
    Visit Site
  • Education
    Arizona State University
  • Organizations
    NAIOP - National Association of Industrial and Off, ULI - Urban Land Institute