Born and raised in Baltimore, Ketch Secor has a vast knowledge of the market and its players. Mr. Secor has practiced real estate since 1989. He focuses on sales and leasing of commercial properties throughout Maryland, representing users and property owners. Ketch actively tracks inventory and user activity to provide comprehensive and up-to-date market expertise to his clients. The majority of Mr. Secor’s focus and activity is in Baltimore County, where he is involved with numerous business associations and economic development. Much of Ketch’s work is repeat business, serving as his client’s on-going real estate representative, ensuring their best interest in the market, integrating their real estate needs with their business plan to enhance the bottom line and maximize productivity. Ketch has represented corporate headquarter relocations such as PSA Financial, S, C & H Group and a build to suit for KM Printing. He has a long history of representing digital media and video game development companies such as Firaxis Games, Pole to Win, Day 1 Studios and AAI, building a rapport and niche in that industry since working with MicroProse in 1990. Ketch’s attention to detail, client service and perseverance consistently exceeds client expectations, and therefore, creating long term relationships.
$7.95 USD /SF/yr
Industrial - For RentPRICE WITHHELD
Warehouse - For Sale84,086 SF | Request Cap Rate
Industrial - For RentRENT WITHHELD
Industrial - For Rent