Juan Vega focuses on corporate advisory services for office users, and on landlord representation in the Tampa Bay area. Juan represents the following clients on an ongoing basis: Morton Plant & Mease Hospitals, a healthcare provider with offices ranging from 5,000 to 100,000 SF; TECO Energy Company, an S&P 500 company with over 500,000 SF of office space; JSA Healthcare Corp., a Humana strategic business unit with over 40 offices ranging from 4,000 SF to 8,000 SF throughout Florida; Florida Blood Services, the largest supplier of blood on the East Coast, with over 16 sites in the Tampa Bay area; Giunta Group, a privately held trust comprised of retail assets; U.S Oncology Corp., a publicly traded cancer treatment company with offices across the U.S.; and Bauman Trust, a privately held commercial real estate trust comprised of class B office buildings and land assets.
Office - For Sale23,641 SF | Request Cap Rate
Medical - For Sale16,006 SF | Request Cap Rate
Commercial Land - For Sale87,120 SF
$14.50-$17.00 USD /SF/yr
Office, Medical, Industrial - For RentPRICE WITHHELD
Medical - For Sale4,176 SF | Request Cap Rate
Commercial Land - For RentRENT WITHHELD
Office/Medical - For Rent