Joshua Weisfeld is a real estate professional who serves as a asset manager with W Brothers Management, LLC. The firm has a diverse portfolio of office, retail, and multi-family properties spanning Manhattan, the outer boroughs and New Jersey. Client focused, Joshua Weisfeld emphasizes a full-service approach to meeting the needs of personal and corporate investors. He engages with building owners, as well as current and prospective tenants, in ensuring that day to day operations are efficient and responsive. Mr. Weisfeld’s responsibilities include ensuring that tenants’ maintenance requests are properly addressed, and he also works to provide 24/7 emergency services as required. Among his areas of knowledge is an in-depth understanding of neighborhoods and markets across the New York metropolitan area. Mr. Weisfeld also has a transactional background that extends to purchases, sales, and leasing of commercial and residential real estate, and is part of a team that offers planning, site selection, and construction solutions. In total, W Brothers oversees more than a million square feet of property in a range of development stages.