Mr. Crawford is a Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM), a designation held by less than 5% of all commercial real estate practitioners. His responsibilities include development, site acquisition, sales, leasing and third-party brokerage throughout the Southeast. Mr. Crawford earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Georgia in 2008. In 2011, he completed his graduate degree from Augusta University and received his MBA. Mr. Crawford is a long time Augusta native and is actively involved in the community serving on the Columbia County Forward Foundation, The Community Foundation for the CSRA and The Central Savannah River Land Trust. Mr. Crawford holds brokerage licenses in five states and is a member of the International Council of Shopping Centers.
$400,000-$1,000,000 USD
Commercial Land - For Sale36,590-47,045 SF
$1,200,000 USD
Commercial Land - For Sale322,780 SF
$850,000 USD
Commercial Land - For Sale59,677 SF
$850,000 USD
Commercial Land - For Sale44,867 SF
$11,600,000 USD
Commercial Land - For Sale1,415,700 SF
$14.00 USD /SF/yr
Office - For Rent$1,350,000 USD
Commercial Land - For Sale82,764 SF
$24.00 USD /SF/yr
Office - For Rent$225,000 USD
Commercial Land - For Sale47,045 SF
$255,500-$1,274,100 USD
Commercial Land - For Sale31,799-50,530 SF
$210,000 USD
Commercial Land - For Sale135,036 SF
$32.00 USD /SF/yr
Medical - For RentRENT WITHHELD
Commercial Land - For RentPRICE WITHHELD
Commercial Land - For Sale69,696 SF
Commercial Land - For RentRENT WITHHELD
Commercial Land - For RentRENT WITHHELD
Commercial Land - For RentRENT WITHHELD
Commercial Land - For RentRENT WITHHELD
Commercial Land - For Rent