A founding partner of Newmark’s Retail division, Jeffrey Roseman serves as a Vice Chairman at the company’s New York headquarters. Roseman is a top producer for the firm and widely acknowledged as an industry leader in landlord and tenant representation. Roseman has assisted numerous retailers in their expansion strategies both nationally and internationally. He has also worked on behalf of some of the country’s most active developers and landlords. In his more than 25-year career, he has completed transactions totaling more than 10 million square feet of retail space, with a value in excess of $2 billion. Currently, Roseman represents property owners that include Fosun, Benenson Capital Partners, Reading International, RPW Group, Skyline Developers and The Stahl Organization as well as retailers such as Angelika Theaters, Blink Fitness, Blue Bottle Coffee, Republic Bank and Tender Greens. A frequent lecturer and advisor to the media on all aspects of retail real estate, Roseman has appeared on The Fox Network, CNBC, NY1, CUNY Network and Bloomberg Radio. Roseman is a member of REBNY, The Retail Real Estate Board of New York and the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC). He also sits on the boards of a number of charities.