With over ten years of experience in commercial real estate, Janel has worked with both Tenants and Landlords and has experience in both marketing and property management. Her diverse experience and collaborative spirit ensure that she always exceeds each client’s expectations. Janel prides herself on providing the highest level of customer service to every client with every interaction whether a large corporation or smaller tenant. She is energized by helping others achieve their real estate goals. She enjoys innovation and change, developing plans and making process improvements to better an organization while it evolves and grows. As a life-long learner, Janel seeks entrepreneurial ventures and new business, collaboration, teamwork and new ideas that build opportunity. Motivated by the kindness and expertise of her team leader, Ruth Darby, Janel strives to serve, learn and grow with their partnership.
$28.50 USD /SF/yr
Office - For Rent$1,170,000 USD
Churches - For Sale5,500 SF | Request Cap Rate
$28.00 USD /SF/yr
Office - For Rent$23,750,000 USD
Office - For Sale92,153 SF | Request Cap Rate
$28.50 USD /SF/yr
Office - For RentRENT WITHHELD
Industrial - For Rent$35.00 USD /SF/yr
Office - For RentRENT WITHHELD
Office - For Rent