Born and raised in the Wichita area, Evan has been involved in the Commercial Real Estate business since 1998. Evan has participated in transactions across the State of Kansas, specializing in development land, self-storage facilities and investment properties. Evan’s network of connections and aptitude for creative structuring of transactions contribute to his success in the Commercial Real Estate Market. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Tabor College. Evan and his wife, Keli, have three children and are active in the Wichita community.
$9.00 USD /SF/yr
Office - For Rent$5.75 USD /SF/yr
Industrial - For Rent$8,500,000 USD
Warehouse - For Sale115,670 SF | Request Cap Rate
$18.00 USD /SF/yr
Office - For RentRENT WITHHELD
Industrial - For RentPRICE WITHHELD
Commercial Land - For Sale114,449 SF
$10.00 USD /SF/yr
Industrial - For Rent$255,000 USD
Commercial Land - For Sale45,000 SF
$450,000 USD
Loft/Creative Space - For Sale1,790 SF | Request Cap Rate
Office/Retail - For Rent