Liz Silva, REALTOR® is considered a Hi-Tech Real Estate Broker and has been licensed since 2003 where she first started her Real Estate Career with the well-known & respected office of ERA Castelo Real Estate in New Bedford MA. Upon changing offices to RE/MAX Classic, she was named REMAX Classic’s Rookie of the Year for 2007 and Top Producer for the Fairhaven Real Estate Office from 2007 through 2010 and continued to receive numerous awards for top sales and production as a result of her hard work and dedication. Team Silva was established due to the growing demand for her services, and several colleagues joined her team. By 2014, it was time to open her own real estate brokerage, Silva Realty Group Inc., and the rest is history! She is an RDCPro, REALTOR®, Certified HAFA Specialist (CHS), REO Specialist, and Member of the National Association of Realtors & Massachusetts Association of Realtors. With 20+ years of sales experience, Liz and her Teams (Team Silva & BuyBankREO), are able to market your home effectively on the world wide web as well as through traditional methods.