Personally analyzed and appraised over $30 billion worth of real estate in 39 states. Successfully developed office, residential, retail, and industrial property types. Development, acquisition, rezoning, site plan and governmental approval process, construction management complete through Certificate of Occupancy. Developments have resulted in the City of Fort Lauderdale 1989 and 1991 Community Appearance Awards for Outstanding Achievement in Urban Environmental Design. Takeover management/analysis and workouts of $3 billion in assets in conjunction with Management Consignment Program (MCP) issued by the FSLIC to Smoker Corporation. Resolution Trust Corporation, awarded Asset Management Disposition (SAMDA) contract for resolution Phoenix/Tucson portfolio to Smoker Corporation. Course instructor for Federal Home Loan Bank System, Office of Education, Real Estate Appraisal School Courses I and II (BSOE). Adjunct Facility Member, Nova University Real Estate Construction Lending School and Center for Study of Administrative Banking and Financial Institutional Studies, 1986-1991.