Earnie graduated from The United States Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point, NY in June of 1969 with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. Working for Interstate Properties, Inc. a company founded by Earnie's grandfather in 1953, he obtained a broker's license in 1978, and was a developer from 1978-1986. Currently, Earnie is president of Interstate Properties, Inc. a fully integrated real estate company offering sales and development services to its clients. The company is also involved in the leasing and management of real estate through Property Management, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary. Earnie is a licensed agent in Oklahoma, Arkansas, and New York. He is a CIPS (Certified International Property Specialist) designee. Earnie was previously a member of the Arkansas-Oklahoma Arkansas River Compact Commission, Oklahoma State Commissioner. Earnie is currently a member of the following organizations: Kansas-Oklahoma Arkansas River Compact Commission, Alternate Federal Commissioner; Muskogee Chamber of Commerce, Board Member; Muskogee City/County Port Authority, Board Member; Muskogee Community Foundation, Board Member.