Din Sharma

Hotle/Motel,Gas Stn, Liquor store,Multi Fam,Land and Short Sales
BrokerLicense# 01744678

Since 2012 Din has owned his own Company involved in Commercial Real Estate and Residential Real Estate. From 2008 Din has helped 100s of people avoid Foreclosures on their Commercial or residential properties thru Loan Modification or Short Sales. Currently Din has various Commercial and residential Listings which include a 13 Million, 5 mil and 3.9 mil and 2.5 mil Franchise hotels and two independent motels, many Gas stations w/C stores and Liquor Stores, Subways etc besides many other commercial and residential listings.

  • Specialties
    Investment Sales Broker, Tenant Rep
  • Languages
    English, Hindi, Punjabi
  • Markets
    Atlanta, Dallas/Ft Worth, Sacramento, Stockton/Modesto, North Bay/Santa Rosa, East Bay/Oakland, Oklahoma City
  • Property Types
    Hospitality, Industrial, Office, Retail, SportsAndEntertainment, Specialty, Multifamily, Healthcare
  • LinkedIn Profile
    Visit Site
  • Websites
  • Education
    University of Rajasthan Bachelor of Science and Masters degree
  • Organizations
    NAR - National Association of Realtors