Devon Sansone’s goal is to commit to long-lasting professional services in leasing, development, and property management of his family's company. Being involved with his family's company he has experience in leasing commercial real estate, developing projects, and property management. Devon also has the knowledge and expertise that is required when owning a business. He has received a bachelor's degree in business management and a master's in finance, both from UNLV. He specializes in professional office buildings, industrial, retail centers, property management, and development and entitlement services.
$13.56 USD /SF/yr
Industrial - For Rent$22.20 USD /SF/yr
Retail - For Rent$24.00 USD /SF/yr
Retail - For Rent$33.96 USD /SF/yr
Retail - For RentRENT WITHHELD
Commercial Land - For RentApr '25
$45.00 USD /SF/yr
Medical, Retail - For Rent$17.40-$19.80 USD /SF/yr
Office/Retail, Retail - For RentPRICE WITHHELD
Commercial Land - For Sale92,347 SF
Retail - For Rent