As managing broker and owner of Cambium Commercial, Dan Shafron maintains a leadership position of their client’s real estate investment portfolio. This role includes investment property acquisition, property management, tenant leasing, project management and managing our growing team of brokers and contractors. Dan graduated from Northern Illinois University with a degree in mechanical engineering. After 10 years of applying his expertise at Caterpillar, he decided he would take his skill sets in another direction, real estate. Although, Cambium Realty was, to all appearances, a general real estate and property management office, Dan had a larger vision. He and a partner bought dozens of “fixer upper” homes. They supervised the renovation process, leased and managed the assets. With the economic collapse in 2008-2012 causing “ripples” in the business model, Dan looked at other, more enduring strategies for real estate investments. In 2016, he entered into a joint venture partnership with Mel Yarmat, a seasoned veteran of more than 40 years in real estate investments. Mel owned and operated 2,400 apartment units; dozens of shopping centers, built single family homes, hotels, and large commercial properties. In the following years, they, along with a loyal group of investors, have focused on the acquisition of shopping centers, with remarkable success.