Crystal started in real estate in 1997 as a buyer's agent and part-time administrative assistant for website development. Today, Crystal is a Broker Owner and handles management and disposition for bank owned properties, hires all service companies needed and networks with all the asset managers. Additionally, she also handles all e-mail inquiries on your property, assigning each e-mail to one of our buyer agents immediately. It is our practice to respond to all e-mail inquiries ASAP. She is the go-to for staff questions to keep the office running smoothly. Crystal is also a member of the elite Fontaine Ambassadors‘ Council. This membership consists of the top tier realtors who gather periodically for mastermind sessions for the purpose of continuous improvement in serving our clients’ needs and market our listings. Crystal currently lives in Lewiston with her husband Bill who is also a realtor, and has two children, Bree and Brock.
$15.00 USD /SF/yr
Office/Medical, Office/Retail - For Rent$550,000 USD
Commercial Land - For Sale252,648 SF
$475,000 USD
Commercial Land - For Sale283,140 SF
$160,000 USD
Churches - For Sale4,492 SF | Request Cap Rate
$550,000 USD
Restaurant - For Sale2,348 SF | Request Cap Rate
$550,000 USD
Industrial - For Sale2,480 SF | Request Cap Rate
$3,000,000 USD
Commercial Land - For Sale4,443,120 SF