Born and raised in East Texas, Charles started his first profitable business before he could even drive. Consequently, he also needed to hire his first employee just to drive him to project locations until he became a licensed driver. In high school, Charles was elected Building Trades President and worked with fellow students on an educational project, building a house from the ground up and eventually selling it to benefit vocational programs. After high school, Charles moved on to Baylor University, where he graduated with a degree in entrepreneurship and a minor in real estate, with a strong concentration in business ethics. On the weekends, he drove all the way from Waco to Houston and hired subcontractors to provide contractual maintenance services to a retirement community. Over the past 30 years, Charles has been involved in Maryland real estate sales & leasing, property management, real estate investment, and the construction industry. He is a licensed commercial real estate broker, specializing in the representation of both tenants and landlords, as well as medical and dental professionals. Charles has also represented several medical building owners. Over the years, Charles has also been heavily-involved with many successful business start-ups and for-profit ventures, as well as technology - business software development, Information Systems, network designs and implementations, logistics and warehouse management. This experience has helped Charles identify powerful technology trends and how they will affect the real estate industry. Charles is also currently involved with several non-profit organizations, including elderly and disabled housing in Baltimore City.