Charles Cornay serves as a Senior Advisor for Stirling Properties' commercial real estate team, working from the Lafayette, LA, office since 1996. His experience includes landlord and tenant representation, primarily focused on office, industrial, and land segments in the market. He has successfully negotiated over 1,000 sales and leasing transactions, working with a diverse client base, including grocery stores, apartment complexes, restaurants, retailers, and land developers/users. Mr. Cornay's abilities include market strategies, site selection, site analysis, assistance in due diligence, and monitoring deals with potential customers.
$10.00 USD /SF/yr
Industrial - For Rent$5.25 USD /SF/yr
Flex - For Rent$5,500,000 USD
Distribution - For Sale100,000 SF | Request Cap Rate
$962,016 USD
Commercial Land - For Sale50,965 SF
Commercial Land - For Rent$7.50-$10.56 USD /SF/yr
Flex - For Rent$349,000 USD
Industrial Land - For Sale187,308 SF
$8.50 USD /SF/yr
Industrial - For RentPRICE WITHHELD
Commercial Land - For Sale94,961 SF
$2,650,000 USD
Commercial Land - For Sale309,276 SF