Brian Scholten joined Caspian Group in January of 2016. Prior to joining Caspian Group, he was an Air Force officer for 5 years separating in 2014 as a Captain. He then joined a multi-family brokerage firm before realizing that the industrial world was where he could help Rafik grow the Caspian brand, team, and portfolio. He has 6 years of commercial investment and investment brokerage experience serving some of the largest industrial property holders in Minnesota. By adhering to the Air Force core values of Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence In All We Do, Brian serves his clients and community in a manner that builds trust, cohesion, and confidence from the very first meeting. Brian works to ensure that every deal done is done in accordance with his Christian values (and the Golden Rule in particular). Treating others with respect, staying humble even in success, and relentlessly working to grow himself to keep him grounded, focused, and joyful. When not working, his wife and three children keep him busy. Though he does enjoy golfing and reading in the few minutes of personal time he happens to find.