Caprika Realty is a a small boutique real estate company that focuses on quality of quantity. Brendan believes that when it comes to buying and selling a home, 5 star service is paramount. He respects how stressful it can be to go through the process, and like you, he hears some real estate stories that make him shudder. He does everything in his power to make sure you are sharing your stories to your contemporaries, but with glowing reviews. He treats you the way we would want to be treated. One of the most important aspects of any good service is communication. Brendan works tirelessly to make himself as available as possible, but when he is not, you will know when he can get back in touch. He does it all: phone calls, in person meetings, emails, facebook, texting, etc. If you are on Facebook, please go add him! He would love to connect with you. He feels social media is a great way to get to know each other as he goes through the process and has proven a great way to keep in touch with his past clients.