IMI, Innovative Markets, Inc., began in 1988 buying 31.078 acres of undeveloped land on Lake Cook Road and erecting single family homes. This was decades before long Lake Cook became the residential / commercial corridor as it exists today. Since 1998 IMI has diversified its real estate portfolio with investments including, for example, projects include: (i) purchasing out of foreclosure the historic high-rise at Lake & Wells in downtown Chicago for conversion from to office to residential; and (ii) ground up developments ranging from 100% Retail with tenants from Starbucks to ATT to other A+ Names as well as Residential plus Restaurant / Commercial Development, as well as Self-Storage. In each instance, IMI lets others “take the credit.” Separately and either thru joint ventures or partnering with passive investors or those with industry expertise, IMI has made investments across a broad spectrum ranging from technology start-ups to restaurants. Using innovation and a unique ability to resolve legal, governmental, financial or other impediments that discourages other investors and/or in conjunction with delivery of sales or "first mover" advantage(s): IMI then quickly moves to make its investment. For over 36 years, we've built our reputation on integrity, innovation and the ability to move “quickly!”