Andrian "Andy" Jones II is a Multifamily Advisor for Sands Investment Group, specializing in multifamily, build-to-rent, and single-family rental portfolio investment sales. Jones has a proven track record of providing expert advisory services to private investors, capital groups, and investment firms. Prior to Sands Investment Group, Jones played in the National Football League as an undrafted rookie and achieved a multi-year NFL career; playing for the Dallas Cowboys, Detroit Lions, Houston Texans, and Miami Dolphins. Prior to playing in the NFL, Jones graduated from the Jacksonville University and is 1 of only 2 J.U. alumni to play multiple years in the NFL. Jones holds a B.B.A. from Jacksonville University, JU Davis College of Business & Technology is an AACSB-accredited private business school and 2x PAC Accelerator Business Combine recipient. As a native of Florida, he was raised in Central Florida and graduated college in North Florida. Jones currently lives in South Florida with his wife over 5 years and 3 children. He actively enjoys spending time with his family as well as playing basketball, golfing, fishing, and drumming.