Ali Baker is a Sales Representative with the Retail Services Group at Avison Young. Prior to joining Avison Young, Ali was a Sales Representative with RKF, a boutique retail real estate brokerage, which she joined in 2014. Based out of Avison Young’s international headquarters in Toronto, she specializes in retail leasing and consulting. Acting on behalf of Tenants and Landlords, Ali works on transactions across North America. Working with a variety of property categories and Tenants from a range of industries including fitness, entertainment, hospitality, and fashion retail, Ali has extensive market knowledge and insight in the retail real estate market. She focuses on finding client-driven real estate solutions that facilitate their vision when it comes to listing properties and/or representing a Tenants interests.
$25.00 CAD /SF/yr
Industrial - For Rent$20.00-$30.00 CAD /SF/yr
Retail - For Rent$45.00-$55.00 CAD /SF/yr
Office, Retail - For Rent$50.00-$55.00 CAD /SF/yr
Retail - For RentRENT WITHHELD
Retail - For RentRENT WITHHELD
Retail - For RentNO PHOTO
$110.00 CAD /SF/yr
Retail - For Rent