Pricing for entire property is $35,000,000. Seller will divide and sell lots separately. See price list for separate parcels in attachments. This a 168.47-Acre Freeway Frontage, Mixed-Use Development Opportunity in the heart of Temecula Valley. The project is comprised of 20 parcels. It fronts Interstate 15 with 2,945 linear feet of unobstructed freeway exposure with a traffic count of approximately 145,000 motorists per day. The City of Wildomar is completing a General Plan Update that will give the Project a land use designation of MUH (Mixed Use High). The final product mix, density and configuration will be determined by market demand and City approvals. The City will cooperate with a buyer to create a new Specific Plan for the Project. The site is currently unimproved.
This Destination Mixed-Use Development may include residential, commercial and industrial components; all tied together to create a strong sense of place and community pride serving both local and regional residents and tourists. Temecula Valley is most known for its title as “Southern California’s Wine Country”.