Rare large development tract in Oviedo. Just NE of Oviedo Downtown Redevelopment Area. Can Access off CR426/Geneva Drive @ Loyd Lane or off East Franklin Street.
CR426 traffic count of 11,029 AADT (2024).
C-2 Commercial allows a wide range of commercial, light industrial and office uses including personal and vehicle storage, retail and equipment rental with outdoor storage and motor vehicle sales and repair including paint & body.
R-1 allows single family residential.
See Concept Plan for Tract layout.
Pricing as follows:
Bulk: $3,250,000
Tract A Commercial - Reserved for possible Loyd Lane extension
Tract B Commercial - $650,000: 2.38 acres upland with 1.34 acres net outside 100 year flood area. Multiple older buildings previously used for automotive repair and towing.
Tract C Commercial - $1,400,000: 5.72 upland acres with a 2.84 acres development tract. Personal Storage and other uses up to a combined 124,681 sqft is permissible.
Tract D Residential - Reserved for possible City Fire Station