Some water is available for purchase with land.
MU-40 Uses:
Agricultural and Keeping of Animals
Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to permitted uses
Apiary (beehives)
Fruit or vegetable stand
Forestry, except forest industry
Personal agriculture, including grazing and pasturing of animals
Plant materials nursery or greenhouse, not exceeding 20,000 square feet in area
Stable (horses), commercial
Stable (horses), private
Storage, placement, keeping, locating, parking, maintaining, and keeping of agricultural equipment
Temporary Animal Housing
Commercial and Industrial Uses
Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to permitted uses
Construction equipment and supply trailer, temporary
Low-Impact Home-Based Business
Dwelling, living quarters and long or short-term residences
Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to permitted uses
One internal ADU in the single-family dwelling structure or only one internal ADU allowed per lot. The internal ADU may not be sold separately or subdivided from the principal dwelling unit.
One detached ADU allowed per lot. The detached ADU may not be sold separately or subdivided from the principal dwelling
Bed and breakfast
Dwellings or residential facilities for elderly or disabled persons
Utilities and utility services
Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to permitted uses
Essential service facilities
wind driven under 5.9 KVA
auxiliary, temporary, and/or wind, with more than 6 KVA, but less than 10 KVA output
RR-5 Uses:
Agricultural and Keeping of Animals
Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to permitted uses
Apiary (beehives)
Fruit or vegetable stand
Household pets
Personal agriculture, including grazing and pasturing of animals
Plant materials nursery or greenhouse, not exceeding 20,000 square feet in area
Rooftop mounted solar arrays
Stable (horses), private
Storage, placement, keeping, locating, parking, maintaining, and keeping of agricultural equipment
Commercial and Industrial Uses
Low-Impact Home-Based Business
Dwelling, living quarters and long or short-term residences
Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to permitted uses
One internal ADU in the single-family dwelling structure or only one internal ADU allowed per lot. The internal ADU may not be sold separately or subdivided from the principal dwelling unit.
One detached ADU allowed per lot. The detached ADU may not be sold separately or subdivided from the principal dwelling unit.
Bed and breakfast
Dwellings or residential facilities for elderly or disabled persons
Utilities and utility services
Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to permitted uses
Essential service facilities
wind driven under 5.9 KVA
auxiliary, temporary, and/or wind, with more than 6 KVA, but less than 10 KVA output