Location: The property is located on the southeastern corner of S Colorado Avenue and W Huntsman Avenue in San Joaquin, CA in Fresno County. Approximately 16.3 miles south of Kerman, CA.
Size: +/-86.61 Assessed Acres
Plantings: Kerman pistachios on UCB-1 rootstock planted 2013 with 19' x 17' spacing.
Water: The subject property is located in the James Irrigation District and receives surface water through a canal adjacent to the property using a 30 HP booster pump. The property has three (3) sand media filters and is irrigated with a double-line drip system. No groundwater well. James Irrigation district is a part of the James Groundwater Sustainability Agency and is in the Kings Sub-basin.
+/-91.1% Merced clay, slightly saline
+/-8.9% Merced clay loam, slightly saline
Remarks: Great opportunity to purchase producing pistachios in James Irrigation District.
Legal: Fresno County APN: 030-070-30S.
Property is enrolled in the Williamson Act.