Versatile and efficiently designed industrial facility of 11800sqft per MCAD on approximately 2 acres that are partially fenced and stabilized. Facility has: 5 Ton Proserv trolly crane serving 7500sqft, 20 ft eave height, with three 18x18 foot roll up doors and one 12 x 12 ft rollup door, ventilated, large three phase electrical service, wash down containment sump, outside concrete containment area, 1800 approximate sq ft of office space, two restrooms, shower accessible from warehouse with two more lavatories, Trane HVAC.
5 offices plus a superintendent's office with warehouse door and window, conference room and bonus office off superintendent's area. Reception area is 15 x 15 ft with double commercial doors. Great Location that is only a few hundred feet from Interstate 45 and overpass so that you can head our north or south toward Dallas or Houston. Value priced below replacement cost. Make your company and business much more profitable, employees happier, and your life far better with this great facility and opportunity.