The subject property is known as the St. Joseph Shelter and consists of six (6) buildings on close to 8 acres. Bernard Hall, a residential dormitory-style building, is vacant and is not habitable. The remaining buildings include Marmion Hall - a 1960-constructed dormitory, Casa Adele - is 8 (2 bedroom, 1 bath) units renovated apartment building, and three (3) metal storage buildings which support the property.
Catholic Community Services owns/operates the property which serves several public needs from the local food bank to providing seasonal migrant housing opportunities. A new owner who could continue these uses would be wonderful but it is believed that the highest and best use for the property is for residential rental housing which the city has identified as the #1 need. The subject property is located in a rural/residential area of Mt. Angel, Oregon just a few blocks from the city core and across the street from the Benedictine Sisters of Mt. Angel. The property is currently zoned "Public" but the City of Mt. Angel has identified residential rental housing as the top need in the community.