Excuse the Mess, But Don’t Miss the Opportunity! Beyond all doubt - Biltmore Village will emerge stronger and more vibrant
than it has ever been! Look close - this diamond-in-the-rough industrial property presents the rarest of post Helene
redevelopment opportunities: hospitality (blue zone), adjacent historic Biltmore Village District but not in the District,
floodplain/floodway yes, ravaged yes, but ready for a fresh start under the 50% rule atop a ~45,000 SF building footprint!
Explore surface parking to minimize ground penetration and rise-above parking with engineered columns as means to
maximize the 2.34 acre horizontal plane. Railroad theme... possibly - a nod to history and George Vanderbilt’s vision that
helped build this region and country. Truly a hub for top-tier retail, hospitality, and lifestyle – everything is walkable in
Biltmore Village! If you seek excellence, this location undoubtedly calls out for the finest in hospitality or select mix-use
Two questions to ask: What is freeboard and, what would George Vanderbilt do? [1] Freeboard refers to the minimum
height above the BFE that a structure must be built to avoid floodwaters. It's essentially a safety margin to ensure the
development isn't vulnerable to flooding during a 100-year flood event and is an important consideration for floodplain or
floodway development. [2] George Washington Vanderbilt II, the original developer of the Biltmore Estate, was known for
his visionary, long-term approach to creating a place that combined natural beauty, architecture, and innovation. If he
were involved in this redevelopment, he might prioritize sustainability, elegance, and a deep connection with the
surrounding environment and culture. He may also seek to preserve the character of the area while introducing modern
touches. Hospitality would likely be a key focus—creating a space that blends seamlessly into the historic fabric of Biltmore
Village - thoughtful and eco-conscious.
Look close- this diamond-in-the-rough property presents the rarest of post Helene redevelopment opportunities: hospitality
blue zone, adjacent historic Biltmore Village but not in the District, floodplain/floodway yes, ravaged yes, but ready for
build-up (50% rule) atop a ~45,000 building footprint or simply, start fresh! All things walkable in this
retail/hospitality/life centric location include: upscale fashion retail, Ruth’s Chris, a Grand Bohemian Autograph hotel w/
expansion underway, Home2 Hilton Suites & not least, blocks from the world acclaimed Biltmore House & Gardens! This
location calls out for excellence in hospitality or mix-use redevelopment! Showings by appointment only!