Unique building located between Main Street & Elm Street in Downtown Frisco that offers flexible use and space that can not be duplicated with current zoning and there is nothing else available in downtown Frisco that offers the flexibility. We are looking for a single tenant and the use can be Office, Retail, or Flex. (See Zoning Matrix attached below.) The listing shows 2 different spaces so it will show up in Loopnet search under Office, Retail & Flex but it will be leased as 1 space. The city of Frisco is investing heavily along Main Street & Elm Street and this building is mid block between the 2 streets. More info about the City Of Frisco Downtown Redevelopment plan can be found here https://www.friscotexas.gov/DocumentCenter/View/16701/Downtown-Master-Plan-Update-PDF..See youtube videos attached below
For allowed use see the Zoning Matrix on page 89 on this link https://www.friscotexas.gov/DocumentCenter/View/1487/Zoning-Ordinance-with-Summary-of-Amendments-PDF?bidId= Zoning is Frisco Old Town Commercial ( OTC )