Millichap is pleased to offer an investor the unique opportunity to acquire the Hart Hotel, a mixed use commercial property located in the heart of San
Francisco's rapidly growing South of Market ( District The property consists of a 29 room residential hotel with a manager’s unit over four retail spaces including a
cell phone tower Tenderloin Housing Clinic currently leases 27 of the 29 rooms with two long term tenants occupying the other units The lease commenced on May 1 st of
2018 and expires in 2021 The hotel portion which is on the second floor consists of 29 Single Room Occupancy ( licensed rooms, all including sinks, with three
shared restrooms, two shared showers, a community kitchen and managers unit The four ground floor commercial spaces are rented to local long term business owners
at below market rent The building is a 12 000 square foot two story structure over a 5 200 square foot basement on a 6 000 square foot lot
The Central SoMa Plan is expected to deliver nearly 16 million square feet for new housing and jobs, over 2 B in public benefits, including 33 percent affordable housing,
500 M for transit, substantial improvements to open space, streets, and environmental sustainability, and funding for cultural preservation and community services