Please call me to discuss, Alex Kent, Broker, 650-793-0541.
280 Amps of power.
SP-ECR-D: Zoning. Land Use: ECRDSP (Main St Downtown Specific Plan).Retail, Restaurant, Bar, Liquor Store, Animal Sales & Service, Club, Culture.
Conditional Use Permit Required:
Clubs and Lodges. Meeting, recreational, or social
facilities of a private or nonprofit organization primarily
for use by members or guests, including residential
accommodations that are available to members or
guests on a temporary basis for periods of less than 30
consecutive days, but excluding residential hotels. This
classification includes union halls and social clubs.
Conditional Use Permit Required:
Cultural Institutions. Public or non-profit institutions
engaged primarily in the display or preservation of
objects of interest in the arts or sciences that are open
to the public on a regular basis. This classification
includes performing arts centers; libraries; museums;
historical sites; aquariums; art galleries; and zoos and
botanical gardens.
Conditional Use Permit Required:
Liquor store, Bars.