Large Office / Warehouse with Covered Canopy located in the heart of the Baton Rouge Health District Available for Sale
- Surrounded by OLOL, Baton Rouge General, Ochsner, Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center, OLOL Children's Hospital
- New Enhanced Access from new Bluebonnet Blvd - OLOL Children's Hospital Rd.
- Perfect for additional space for existing medical facilities, or for any medical related business, medical equipment sales, distribution
- 12,513 SF Total Space
- 8,633 SF Office/Warehouse, 3,880 SF Canopy Space
- Renovated in 2015, including HVAC
- Fully Insulated Warehouse
- Secure Fenced in Yard
- Large Reception Area
- Large Kitchen/ Break Area
- Large Lockable Storage Cage for Equipment, Instruments
- 36 Parking Spaces
- Zoned M-1, Light Industrial
**Adjacent Lot (0.894 Acres) with 385' Picardy Ave. Frontage also available For Sale
- Lot measures:
- 175' Depth @ West Boundary
- 60' Depth @ East Boundary
Contact Agent for more information