8247 Landover Road provides a development opportunity to acquire a 3.71 acre parcel of raw land that is currently zoned Commercial and General Office (C-G-O) in the Washington, DC Greenbelt multi-family submarket statistical area. Regulations for development in the C-G-O zone provides for lands for a diverse range of business, civic, and mixed-use development, typically at or near major intersections where visibility and good access are important, in a form that supports connections and a balance between automobile access and pedestrian-friendliness; incorporates development with multiple uses, shared parking, and coordinated signage and landscaping; and accommodates higher-density residential uses as part of vertically or horizontally mixed-use development. Prince George’s County has established a commitment to preserving housing affordability and is working to diversify the County’s housing stock. Retail and multi-family development present themselves as the “highest and best uses” for this property.