4.79 Acres for Sale. Approximately 4.79 acres. 155' of frontage. Ideal retail location, freeway service zoning permits outdoor display
for sales. Located in the Wixom Opportunity Zone and eligible for capital gains tax incentives. Next to the I-96 / Wixom interchange,
close to several major retail and auto dealerships.
Located in the Wixom Opportunity Zone and eligible for capital gains tax incentives.
City of Wixom FS Freeway Service District Permitted Uses: Retail businesses and shopping centers, Carry-out restaurants, Drive-through restaurants, Dry cleaning, Central dry cleaning plants, barber shops, beauty shops and health salons, Automobile Sales Showroom, Automobile rental, Banks, credit unions, retail office supplies, Data processing and computer centers, 24-hour emergency medical clinics, Nursing homes and convalescent homes, Day care centers for children or the elderly, Business schools and colleges, Publicly owned utility building, Bowling alleys, Billiard halls, indoor archery ranges, indoor tennis courts, indoor soccer facilities, indoor skating rinks or similar forms of indoor commercial recreation, Bar, Tavern, Restaurant, Night Club, Banquet hall, Car Wash, Auto Wash, Gas Service Station, Tire Center, Shock Absorber, Hospital, Pharmacy, Medical Supplies, Optical